Privacy Policy

Updated: 2024-07-12


Data We Collect

When you connect to our website, we can see your IP address in our logs. We do not collect any other information, and we don't use tracking, fingerprinting, web beacons, ad services, or even JavaScript unless necessary. We cannot ascertain who you are purely by IP address alone, and this information is only used for diagnosing network performance issues, i.e a DoS attack.

Third-party Services

We use some third-party services for use in improving the website.


We use Cloudflare as a DNS provider for, amongst other services, DNS, analytics, DDoS protection, and more. As such, usage of our services is subject to the Cloudflare Privacy Policy.

Hit Counter

The homepage of this website has a basic hit counter. This hit counter communicates with the same server running our website, in order to simultaneously fetch the hit count and increment it. You can sop this from happening by disabling JavaScript on our website. It'll still function perfectly fine, and all you'll get is a blank hit count.

Updates to this document

Because we do not collect information about you outside of what a standard web server logs, we cannot contact you about updates to this privacy policy. However, we maintain a date for when this document was last updated at the very top. It is advised you check on it occasionally to see if it changes.