

Escape From Trou (In Development)

The full version of the game jam demo edition. More information coming soon.

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Escape From Trou (Demo) (June 2024)

You've been arrested for smuggling drugs across the Sector. As such, you need to escape the Confed's prison base and get revenge by joining the Pirates, the ones who the Confed have sworn to destroy. However, a self-learning AI called BOGDAN, who becomes another generation smarter every 96 hours, is threatening to destroy the entire Sector due to a bug in its programming, meaning you need to destroy it before it evolves too much.

NOTE: This game was made in ~ 3 days. As such, it has a lot of bugs and incomplete features, even for a demo. A full version is being worked on and will release once it's ready.

Itch Page | Download .gblorb | Play in browser

ASCII art that reads 'reHack'

reHack (Ongoing Development) (July 2023)

A terminal-based hacking game about an organisation that's not what it seems.


A main menu screen for a game

Test Game (January 2023)

Test Game was a PowerPoint-based game I made in January 2023. You need to move your mouse across things without hovering over any walls. Some walls spin, some walls slide, some walls don't move. There's also an Easter egg. See if you can find it (actually, don't).

Download - Requires PowerPoint 2007+, PowerPoint Online Doesn't Work